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Gray Cat Drinking From Faucet

Fostering...A Gift of Time

If you love animals, you can make a world of difference in the lives of our animals by investing a very modest amount of time to provide shelter dogs or cats with some extra attention.

Our fostering programs allow you to help pets experience a loving home and the kind of affection they get when they are part of a family. We have several foster options available for Paws and Claws supporters who can give the gift of time, whether that gift lasts a day or two or a few weeks to help ensure that our homeless pets can make good transitions into their forever homes.

Fostering is a volunteer service that is great for our shelter pets and fun for you. Please, give us a call (218-675-7297) and we'll put you on the list for foster care partners.  So, come on...drop us a line today and get in on the foster action!

*We ask that fosters live within 30 miles of Paws+Claws Rescue & Resort, are at least 18 years of age, and have spoken with all members of the household about the possibility of fostering a pet.

2949 State Hwy 371 NW / PO BOX 175, Hackensack, MN 56452 | 
218-675-7297 | | [MN88864] | 501(c)3

© 2016 Paws + Claws Rescue & Resort. All Rights Reserved.

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